Pipeline Safety
The Affected Public
- Awareness that they live or work near a pipeline
- You have been directed to this information because you work or live near a pipeline operated by Peace Pipeline at 479-646-0880.
- Hazards associated with unintended releases

- An overview of what operators do to prevent accidents and mitigate the consequences of accidents when they do occur
- The responder who first receives the call shall obtain as much information as possible on emergency conditions and shall immediately implement the following procedures:
- First, the responder will notify the Production Supervisor/designee; then the employee will notify the Operations Manager and then the Vice President.
- Second, upon arrival at the site of the emergency, the responder will stop the flow of gas to the area. They will then notify the appropriate emergency response officials.
- Next Hanna Oil & Gas will repair the site and resume production as soon as possible. An investigation of the cause of emergency will be conducted and preventative measures will be put in place.
- How to recognize and respond to a pipeline emergency
- Look for discolored vegetation, flames, cloud of vapor, a pool of liquid, dirt blowing or bubbles in standing water.
- Listen for an unusual ‘hissing’ or ‘roaring’ sound coming from the pipeline.
- If you smell an unusual odor or scent of gas there may be a pipeline leak. Some gas is odorless but be aware of any unusual scent.
- What protective actions to take in the unlikely event of a pipeline release
- Turn off motorized equipment
- Walk away from the area and away from possibly hazardous fumes, warn others nearby.
- Call emergency response at 9-1-1, the pipeline operator at 479-646-0880 and Ark/OK One Call at 8-1-1.
- Do not make contact with gas
- Do not use any open flames or anything that could ignite a spark
- Do not attempt to operate valves, wait for an authorized representative from the operator.
- How to notify the pipeline operator regarding questions, concerns or emergencies
- Hanna Oil & Gas can be reached at 479-782-8808, after hours at 479-646-0880.
- How to assist in preventing pipeline emergencies by following safe excavation/digging practices and reporting unauthorized digging or suspicious activity
- Call 8-1-1 at least 48 hours before you dig to be informed about where pipelines are located.
- Call 8-1-1 to report any unauthorized digging or suspicious activity.
- How community decisions about land use may affect community safety along the pipeline ROW
- Community decisions that affect a surrounding a pipeline should follow safe excavation practices and contact the pipeline’s operator.
- How to contact the pipeline operator with questions or comments about public safety, additional overview information on integrity management programs to protect high consequence areas located in their area, land use practices, emergency preparedness or other matters.
- Hanna Oil & Gas can be reached at 479-782-8808
Local Public Officials
- Information regarding transmission pipelines that cross their area of jurisdiction
- Land use practices associated with the pipeline ROW that may affect community safety
- Community decisions that affect a surrounding a pipeline should follow safe excavation practices and contact the pipeline’s operator.
- Hazards associated with unintended releases

- How to contact the pipeline operators with questions or comments about public safety, additional overview information on integrity management programs to protect high consequence areas located in their area, land use practices, emergency preparedness or other matters.
- Hanna Oil & Gas can be reached at 479-782-8808
Emergency Officials
- Locations of transmission pipelines that cross their area of jurisdiction, and how to get detailed information regarding those pipelines
- Name of the pipeline operator and the emergency contact information for each pipeline.
- Peace Pipeline, LLC. contact information 479-646-0880
- Information about the potential hazards of the subject pipeline

- Location of emergency response plans with respect to the subject pipelines
- Emergency response plans are located in the Hanna Oil & Gas field office as well as in the corporate office.
- How to notify the pipeline operator regarding questions, concerns or emergency
- How to safely respond to a pipeline emergency
- Turn off motorized equipment
- Walk away from the area and away from possibly hazardous fumes, warn others nearby.
- Call emergency response at 9-1-1; then call the pipeline operator at 479-646-0880 and lastly call Ark/OK One Call at 8-1-1.
- Do not make contact with gas
- Do not use any open flames or anything that could ignite a spark
- Do not attempt to operate valves, wait for an authorized representative from the operator.
- How to contact the pipeline operators with questions or comments about public safety, additional overview information on integrity management programs to protect high consequence areas located under their jurisdiction, land use practices, emergency preparedness or other matters.
- Hanna Oil & Gas can be reached at 479-782-8808
- Awareness that digging and excavating along the ROW may affect public safety, pipeline safety and/or pipeline operations
- Information about one-call requirements and damage prevention requirements in that jurisdiction
- Prior to excavation, anyone planning to do demolition work or excavate with mechanical equipment is required to:
- Mark the area of proposed work with white paint, chalk or flags prior to calling,
- Give notice to the Arkansas One-Call Call Center (800-482-8998) at least two working days before starting excavation and no longer than 10 working days
- Provide accurate and specific information concerning the site and the extent or scope of the work.
- Provide correct address/directions to the work site.
- Provide where on the site the work will take place.
- Once an Arkansas One-Call reference or ticket number is created for a job:
- Call in a new locate request if additional areas outside the scope of the original ticket need to be marked
- Renew a locate request if work does not start within 10 working days
- Renew a locate request anytime markings are no longer visible and work is continuing
- Renew a locate request if work will continue past 20 working days
- Use an excavation method approved by the utility owner or hand dig within 18 inches either side of the markings (safety zone)
- Notify the utility owner immediately if damage occurs. If the damage permits the escape of hazardous gas or liquid, the police and fire departments must also be immediately notified.
- Establish and maintain communication and coordination on projects that are delayed or lengthy until the project is completed.
- Information about safe excavation practices in association with underground utilities
- Mark the area of proposed work with white paint, chalk or flags prior to calling
- Give notice to the Arkansas One-Call Call Center (800-482-8998 or ETicket) at least two working days before starting excavation and no longer than 10 working days
- Provide accurate and specific information concerning the site and the extent or scope of the work
- Provide correct address/directions to the work site
- Provide where on the site the work will take place
- How to notify the operator regarding a pipeline emergency or damage to a pipeline
- Hanna Oil & Gas can be reached at 479-646-0880
- Hazards associated with unintended releases

- Name of the pipeline operator and who to contact for emergency or non-emergency information